Sporting Shooter Australia - 01.05.2018

(ff) #1
and numbers are the game. Always
aware of the cost of ammunition I
used to buy bulk sub-sonic
ammunition which worked fairly
well at $30.00 for 500 bullets; how
could one complain. They are nice
and quiet and head shots out to 50
to 60 metres were no problem.
But out further the stopping
power was starting to drop off a bit
so I have finally settled for
Winchester Power Points even
though they are twice the price. My
favourite .22 Rimfire is a Brno
Model 2 and I have used it for years.
Although it has only got a standard
light barrel it is surprisingly
accurate. Its long barrel always
proved a bit of a handicap when
shooting from a vehicle and, besides
I like a heavy firearm when
spotlighting, so I decided on the CZ
Model 452 with a shorter heavier
barrel. The scope I have on it is a
Tasco 4x-12x variable. You may
think I am overpowered in the




scope department for just a .22
Rimfire when shots taken would
never extend past 100 metres. The
reason for its use is simply
economics and convenience. It was
given to me by a friend who had
given up hunting and I could see no
reason to buy a scope when I had a
perfectly good one sitting in the gun
cupboard. I run it on 7 power and I
have no doubt this outfit will see
me out in the .22 department. It is
extremely accurate and head shots
are no problem over normal .22
rimfire ranges.
I am constantly shooting rabbits
around farm buildings etc and I am
not that rapt in using the .22
Rimfire as it is prone to ricochet. In
these circumstances, as I have
mentioned in other articles, I favour
the .17HMR. It has been a love-hate-
love relationship, but the Savage
heavy barrelled model I have now
has filled the void in both softer to
use and safer to use around

expensive agricultural machinery
and, of course, that extra 50 metres
of range is nothing to be sneezed at.
In other words, it would be safe to
say the Savage .17HMR will be a
permanent addition as well.
With my rifle selections under
control it was time to choose a
shotgun. I have long believed that a
12 gauge shotgun, no matter what
combination of shot size and
chokes is far too much gun for
rabbits. I have a matching pair of
Beretta Silver Pigeon Classic
shotguns, one in 12 gauge and the
other in 20 gauge and it is the 20
gauge I reach for almost every time
when hunting rabbits.
You often hear of people saying
the 20 gauge is only suitable as a
ladies’ gun, or a good choice for a
beginner and it makes me wonder if
they have ever used one for hunting.
One chap I spoke to recently stated
that the 20 gauge kicked too much.
He was obviously making the same
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