Sporting Shooter Australia - 01.05.2018

(ff) #1

Historical Links With

Our Canine Friends


I’ve always

shared an

interest in

dogs with my


Throughout recorded history dogs and humans have lived symbiotically.

ALL photos taken by Rob
Smith of ‘wowfactorpix’.
I’ve mentioned before in this
column that I love history.
Thinking about how people
lived in ancient times is
fascinating to me, and while
the differences in our lives are
obvious, there are striking
similarities. Looking at
ancient artwork allows us to
appreciate the things that
society valued at various
times, and the ways that these
things contributed to their
society. The presence of dogs
in many of these artworks
indicates a strong connection
with them, be it for
companionship, work, and of
course, hunting.
Some dogs have possibly been
status symbols, but all dogs
have been friends of humans in

some form. I think it’s safe to say
that many dogs are now more
than ever being kept as fashion
accessories. Of course, there is
nothing wrong with this, but I
am amused by thoughts of how
some people would feel if they
delved into the reasoning why
their favourite breeds were
developed. Hounds were
developed to ‘hound’ things
after all.
I’ve always shared an
interest in dogs with my dad,
and I remember him telling
me stories about various
breeds. I gravitated towards
the ones with hunting history,
amazed that people could
selectively breed an animal to
be able to help them hunt
more effectively. When breeds
like Scottish deerhounds and
Irish wolfhounds were

developed, hunting was both
necessary for survival, and
practised for fun. In fact,
people got so good at hunting
with these breeds that most
wild game disappeared from
the UK at one point.
Whenever I hunt with dogs,
I find myself engaging with
these thoughts. Besides GPS
trackers and protective collars
made from modern materials,
the pursuit of wild game with
dogs is pretty much the same
as it has always been. The rush
we feel when we pursue game
with dogs connects us with
the same emotions that our
ancestors inevitably felt when
they did the same. The sense
of accomplishment we get
from hunting successfully
with a dog we have invested so
much time in is one of the


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