Sporting Shooter Australia - 01.05.2018

(ff) #1


Zen and the art

of hunting – Part One

E WERE heading
back to the camp in
the Rodeo and I was
feeling pretty damn
pleased with myself.
I had just taken a nice representative fallow
buck and managed to get it back to the
vehicle without doing any damage to what
was a very nice cape, as I intended to get it
mounted. That head still hangs proudly in
my office in Darwin today as a reminder of
the hunt and what hunting means to me.


Are you ready to take the next step in your

advancement as a hunter? Brian Boyle explains.



On this occasion I was with two
mates, Rob and Col. We were
chatting away as we quietly bounced
along the track, I remember Col
saying “So Brian, when are you going
to take the next step in hunting?”, I
knew what Col meant (go to Africa
to hunt) but I answered “I already
have Col, I have got a nice little
digital camera now and am trying to
get into deer photography”. I still
think back on that conversation over
13 years ago and often ponder on
what hunting means to me, how it
has changed over my life and what
were the steps in it.
I took up deer stalking in New
Zealand when I was sixteen and



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