Sporting Shooter Australia - 01.05.2018

(ff) #1




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hunting has and now currently
means to you. How has it changed
and what is your next step in
hunting? If you already have a deer
in the back of the 4WD and you
have the head or meat you want,
why not consider locking the
firearm or bow securely away and
getting out the digital camera and
taking it for a walk. Maybe you will

start enjoying photography as much
as the other aspects of hunting and
I guarantee it will add a new
dimension to being out in the bush.
A great aspect of game and
wildlife photography is that it also
employs or engages all of the skills
of hunting. It gives you a chance to
hone your stalking skills and
spend more time observing and

learning about the wonderful
intriguing and cryptic game
animals we pursue. Remember,
the hunt is often over at 200m
with a rifle when you squeeze the
trigger, but that is just when it
begins with a camera and you
want to get in close to get that
cracker image of a deer or game
animal. And, when you do get that
great image, it is every bit as much
of a thrill as putting a head on the
wall. Maybe, just maybe, it is time
to leave the thunder stick back in
camp and take the camera for a
walk and take the next step in a
different form of the moving Zen
that is hunting. In the next article
in this series we will look at how
to get started in wildlife and
game photography, until then

  • safe hunting.

LEF T: When you participate in Ji-geiko,
and someone is going to come at you
hard, you have to be completely absorbed
or you will inevitably be beaten.

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