Golf Australia – April 2018

(Ron) #1
Can you swing a golf club as hard as
possible and hold your fi nish position?
If the asnwer is no, here is the reason why
and you would do well to try and copy Rory,
who possesses a fi nish position that some
have described as a thing of beauty.
His swing seems ef ortless and smooth, just
like the “easy”, powerful swing you would love
to have. But it’s not easy at all, it’s just that the

exertion is in the stable lower body, not his
arms or shoulders, which is what most
amateur golfers use to try and generate power.
Here’s a drill you can use to encourage a
balanced fi nish like Rory. Start your next
practice session by striking a fi nish position
pose, perhaps like McIlroy’s, and holding it as
if you were posing for a photographer.
Make sure you are balanced and your belt

buckle is pointing towards the target.
Now make a swing and try to swing into
your ‘posed’ fi nish position. It won’t be easy
but stick with it for a dozen swings or so and
you should see a dif erence with the quality of
your strikes.
Chances are, if you can hold your fi nish as
long as McIlroy does, you’ve probably made a
good swing.


Heading into the ball, Rory’s hips have really cleared
out the way so he can power his arms into impact
and through. His lagging of the clubhead behind his
hands in the downswing is about to unleash the club
at top speed.


A unique aspect of Rory’s impact is his open
shoulders relative to the target line. In comparison,
most players’ shoulders are approximately square
to the target at impact. Rory’s are pointing well left
of his target, which is quite extraordinary. This is a
move that is very much his own.


Rory’s shoulder line through impact is one aspect
of his swing he may have to modify as he gets
older and, perhaps, less supple, so there are fewer
demands placed on his body.

80 APRIL 2018 | golf australia

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