The Grocer – 23 March 2018

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An Advertising supplement to the grocer l 24 march 2018 l 5


consumer’s understanding around pro-
tein is a prime example of this. As 20g
protein per serving becomes a recurrent
theme on food labels, in some consum-
ers’ minds this is the maximum intake
for the day (our research has shown).”

Clear drivers
Protein continues to be the key ingredient
in sports nutrition, with women driving
sales. In 2017, 18% of women 16-24 used
protein powders, more than double the 7%
in 2015. According to Mintel, protein bars
top the list of sport nutrition products,
with protein powders coming in second.
Pulsin products are formulated to help
you take advantage of this growing trend
and offer products in both categories
that customers will love. Andrew Cope,
Pulsin head of sales, says: “But it’s not
just regular gym goers and athletes that
these products appeal to. Sports nutri-
tion is becoming more mainstream and
it’s important for any range to appeal to
non-traditional groups of consumers like

females, families and even people who
don’t participate in regular sport but rec-
ognise protein as an important part of
their diet.”
Grenade’s CEO and co-founder Juliet
Barratt says: “Functionality is a clear
driver of growth. The Grenade brand has
grown by +82%3 in the past year, and this
is because shoppers are clear about what
they want ie health and functionality –
in our case, low sugar and high protein.
However, we believe that product quality

Shoppers want

drinks that are high in

protein and low in sugar

to maintaining and

repair muscle

and taste is also fundamental.
“If a product doesn’t taste good, shop-
pers will not return to the brand. Our
consumer loyalty, sales performance and
shopper feedback are testament to this.
At Grenade we will continue to lead the
market through consumer driven inno-
vation, with product quality being at the
heart of everything we do.”
Kat Collins, head of marketing, Project
E2, The Protein Partners says: “Clear sign-
posting, ease of navigation and product
labelling (saying exactly ‘what it does on
the tin’), are all helping to demystify the
segment, making it easier for consumer
purchase decisions.
“The evolution of category manage-
ment and proliferation of brands and
products within retail are also changing
the way people shop for functional foods
and drinks. With the launch of Project E2,
it was paramount from the get go that
we wanted a streamlined range, with
clear product names, such as Pre, Hydro,
Energy and Recover.^6  
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