Empire UK

(Chris Devlin) #1

Spielberg: I’ll average one take before moving on maybe
twice a movie.
Michell: Never.
Coppola: Never.
Fincher: Never not once ever in 35 years..
Bier: Never. If you did you’d never get to see
Cuarón: Not very often. I tend to do long ta
a long time blocking and working with the a
time setting up and doing technical rehears
at the end of the day (sometimes this transl
It drives some producers/studios crazy.
Joe Wright: Very rarely. In the old days of
there was an insurance fi rm called Lloyd’s s
got the take we needed a call would go up “
for Lloyd’s.”
Marshall: Rarely. Even though I know I ha
I like to be safe just in case.
Soderbergh: As often as possible but you k
Lee: Maybe once every three movies.
Edgar Wright: Very rarely. With stunts so
you might get only one take that works and
But I nearly always do a safety.
Whedon: Just enough to make executives p
I’m usually after something specifi c and if I
I move on.
Greengrass: On Captain Phillips we only h
on the aircraft carrier doing a high-speed ru
Nolan: Not since the lab broke the film on o
on Memento.
Payne: It probably happens once or twice a
directors think it wise to do on the very first
the shoot so as to tell everyone that you’re s
Clooney: Always the fi rst shot of the first da
movie I’ve ever done then probably ten per
time after that.

Spielberg: I did 50 takes on RobertShaw as
the Greener Gun on Jaws. The shark wasn’t
but we all wanted to so I just kept shooting t
production report look like we were accom
something and to keep cast and crew from g
from boredom. It was a strategic indulgence
Soderbergh: 48.
Fincher: 107.
Clooney: 18.
Nolan: I never pay attention to the number
Edgar Wright: I don’t think I have ever go
So maybe 20 or so... But it’s usually six or se
Payne: Probably around 26. I’m normally a f
seven kind of guy but every so often when th
the operator the dolly grip and the assistant
must all work in sync it might take a while to
Marshall: I try not to do more than seven o
become counterproductive.
Cuarón: The long takes process doesn’t allo
many takes. In the past I have shot over 50 t
diff erent shots. Sometimes you end up usin
sometimes take four.
Michell: Like current Australian batsmen...
double fi gures.

Lee: For acting 13. For action 36.
Bier: Twenty-fi ve I think. Which if you’re trying to get the
best performance is way way too much.
Joe Wright: Thirty-seven maybe can’t really remember. I’m
usually in the range of 12 to 16 unless it’s a very technically
challenging shot.
n’t remember nothing too crazy because we
at much time in the schedule.
a very elaborate shot 30. On a bit of dialogue
one into double digits.
I don’t count over ten.

have nothing in my pockets on the set. I don’t
rying change into combat.
nd keys.
of tea.
lm. Chewing gum. Phone although I never
Sides (half-sized script pages of the scene being
ay). Liquorice Airwaves.
ht: Notebook pencil and beta-blockers.
um iPhone very close-up glasses.
nfortunately my cell phone.
ht: My shot-list for the day my storyboards
ending supply of black Sharpies. My one true
ng off my storyboards and shot-list with a thick

: Short sides folded up with my notes scrawled
lways in my back pocket and a pen in my front

y headphone pack script pages and a pen. That’s it.
ossible nothing. I like to climb around like
ook for angles (and to pretend I’m a monkey).

reen tea or decaff.
: I never had a cup of coff ee in my life but I have
dozen cups of mint tea a day.
ht: Way too many hence the beta-blockers. I met
istant when she was working as a barista so we
esso machine in my offi ce — that was dangerous.
coff ee. Green tea in the morning white tea in the
ar too many.
nly tea ’til Age Of Ultron where I got hooked.
one or two. With tea in-between. Tea I can swill

aybe three. I drink loads of herbal tea though
so. A pretty unexciting habit I know.
s: More than the most takes I’ve ever done!
hree tops or I become too caustic/vengeful.

e in the morning. One at ‘tea time’. But always iced.
ny that I was forced to give it up and take up tea
Never had a cup of coff ee in my life. Dr Pepper is
elivery system of choice.
t three double espressos.
ht: Way too many. Once I had a potentially heart
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