Personal Survival Kit
The most important bit of kit in the bush would have to be a decent personal survival kit that’s properly thought-out. I make sure mine is adapted
to the terrain I’m intending to cover — whether that’s marine or desert, etc — because ‘one size’will never fit all circumstances. And I try toensure
that whatever I carry has multiple uses. Just think of cordage for example: why use simple nylon cord when parachute cord can be used for heavy
tying and can also be stripped down and its inner cords used as tying fibre, fishing line or sewing thread? A good snake bite kit is a part of this.
Sense of
If the survival kit didn’t give it away, we’re not what you
might call ‘sheep-le’. We love and abide by the tenets of ‘leave
no trace’, and we’re committed to really exploring what the
outdoors has to offer – both with our eyes and our mind.
There’s no point in hitting the roads and heading into the
great outdoors if our attitude is jaded and we’ve decided
that we know it all before we’ve even left. So it’s
important to reach for our inner-child and recover
our sense of wonder. Give it a go – you may
be surprised at what you