Weight Watchers Australia - March 2018

(Ann) #1

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party that we really clicked.
His stepfather had just died of
a heart attack and my dad was
still very ill. We just talked and
talked. We really understood
each other and developed
a special bond.
“I didn’t want to make a
commitment to someone so
soon after my first marriage
and also during Dad’s illness,
because I thought it was all too
much too soon. But it felt good
being around Andrew and we
had so much fun hanging out
together. Eventually I realised
it had to be us.”
The couple married, and in
2012 their daughter Ameila
was born. A son, Edric, came
along two years later. Stephanie
enjoyed healthy pregnancies
but continued to gain weight.
A year after Eddie was born
she weighed 75kg.
“I was still wearing my
maternity clothes and I felt
miserable. I had niggling aches
and pains and no energy.
I wasn’t paying any attention
to what I was eating. I was
just mindlessly snacking on
whatever was around,” she says.

When her grandmother passed
away in 2016, Stephanie needed
something to wear to the funeral.
“There was nothing suitable in
my wardrobe so I went shopping.
I tried on size 14 dresses but none
of them fitted. I didn’t realise
I had now grown to a size 16.
I was shocked and I signed up
with WW for the second time
just days after the funeral.”
This time she was in the
right mindset – ready to lose
the weight and to keep it off
for good.
“Just getting on those scales
again – you can’t pretend it’s
not real. I was confident I could
get to Goal, but I knew that
I needed the support of those
weekly meetings. I also had the
support of the other members.
You’re all in this together and

there’s no judgement.”
Portion sizes and constant
snacking were the two big
things Stephanie knew she
needed to change.
“My favourite thing is having
nibbles with friends. I love
bread with cheese and dips and
a glass or two of wine.”
Stephanie still enjoys her
cheese and bikkies, but now
she portions them out and
chooses healthier versions.
“Nobody even notices if
I have mineral water in my glass
instead of another wine. But
I never actually gave up anything
on WW. I just adjusted my serves
and tracked everything.”
In six months Stephanie lost
18kg and became a WW Coach.
“Being a Coach is a huge part
of my life. I watch people lose
weight and find more happiness
in their lives and it’s wonderful
to be a part of their inspirational
journeys,” she says.
“It also keeps me accountable.
I’m not going to stand up there
and tell people to do what
I’m not prepared to do myself.
I see real people’s lives being
empowered. Sometimes when
they reach Goal they actually
thank me. But I tell them, ‘I
didn’t do that – you did that
yourself!’ I just get to share it
with them.”
The whole family has
benefitted from Stephanie’s
healthy choices.
“Amelia likes to eat her fruit
and vegetables,” she says.
“I never say to her ‘I’m on
a diet’. I tell her I like eating
healthy foods because it makes
me feel good.”

With a healthy, active
lifestyle, Stephanie’s setting
a positive example for her kids
Edric (above) and Amelia.

I feel stronger

and healthier

now than

I ever have.

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