Australian Motorcycle News — January 30, 2018

(lu) #1


ALTHOUGH THE ROAD-going Gamma was touted as
being a copy of Barry Sheene’s 500 XR racing machine
there were very few parts, if any, the same. That hasn’t
stopped them becoming collectable though, with good
examples fetching up to three times the original price.
In Japan, the RG came in a 400cc version (pictured,
below) for no other reason than to meet cheaper rego
for that capacity machine.
In many applications, the two-stroke engine is a
better concept than its four-stroke counterpart. It’s
lighter, makes more power per capacity and is often
far less expensive to maintain, with many fewer
reciprocating parts. It’s also a blessing for the home
mechanic, being simple enough for a layman to rebuild.
The RG has passion built into it; if you have one, you
should hang on to it. They are becoming very hard to
find second-hand and that’s driving prices up.




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