Life Positive — January 2018

(Steven Felgate) #1

of yoga practice to your regular treatment to
enhance your health.
These five effective yoga poses ensure
benefits for cases of hyperthyroidism as well
as hypothyroidism:

  1. Marjariasana (cat-stretch pose)
    Sit in Vajrasana, with your hips resting on
    your legs bent backwards at the knees and the
    spine erect. Raise the buttocks and stand on
    the knees. Lean forward and place the hands
    flat on the floor beneath the shoulders, with
    the fingers facing forward. The hand should
    be in line with the knees; the arms and thighs
    should be perpendicular to the floor. The knees
    may be slightly separated so that they are well
    aligned with the hips.
    Inhale while raising the head and depressing
    the spine so that the back becomes concave.
    Expand the abdomen fully and fill the lungs
    with the maximum amount of air. Hold the

breath for three seconds. Exhale while
lowering the head and stretching the spine
upwards. At the end of the exhalation, contract
the abdomen and pull in the buttocks.
The head will now be between the arms,
facing the thighs. Hold the breath for three
seconds, accentuating the arch of the spine
and the abdominal contraction. This is one
round. Perform five to 10 full rounds.

  1. Ushtrasana (camel pose)
    Sit in Vajrasana. Stand on the knees with the
    arms at the sides. The knees and feet should
    be together but may be separated if this is
    more comfortable. Lean backwards, slowly
    reaching for the right heel with the right hand
    and then the left heel with the left hand. Do not
    Push the hips forward, keeping the thighs
    vertical; bend the head and spine backward
    as far as is comfortable. Relax the whole
    body, especially the back muscles, into the
    stretch. Remain in this posture for as long as

Health and Fitness^41



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