Life Positive — January 2018

(Steven Felgate) #1

is comfortable. Return to the starting position
by slowly releasing the hands from the heels
one at a time.

  1. Kandharasana (shoulder pose)
    Lie flat on the back. Bend the knees, placing
    the soles of the feet flat on the yoga mat, with
    the heels touching the buttocks. The feet and

knees may be hip-width
apart. Grasp the ankles
with the hands. Raise the
buttocks and arch the back
upwards. Raise the chest
and navel as high as possible
without straining while
simultaneously maintaining
the position of the feet and
shoulders. Hold the pose for
as long as is comfortable
and then lower the body.

Perform five to 10 rounds.

  1. Bhramari Pranayama (humming bee
    Sit in a comfortable meditation pose. Close
    your eyes and relax the whole body. The
    lips should remain gently closed with the
    teeth slightly separated throughout the
    practice. Use the index or middle finger to

42 LifePositive | FEBRUARY 2018^




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