Weight Watchers Australia — March 2018

(sharon) #1

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W H AT Coastrek is a 30km or 60km team
trekking challenge that raises funds for The
Fred Hollows Foundation. Established in 2010,
Coastrek takes in some of the most beautiful
coastlines in Australia and has raised close
to $20 million to help restore sight to thousands
of people worldwide.
WHEN AND WHERE This year Coastrek is on
March 16 (Sydney), May 25 (Melbourne) and
July 27 (Sunshine Coast).
INFO coastrek.com.au

W H AT The MS Melbourne Cycle raises funds for
people living with multiple sclerosis, and offers
participants a great opportunity to see Melbourne
while having fun with family and friends. Choose
from 3km, 6km, 30km or 50km courses.
WHEN AND WHERE Sunday April 15, Flemington
Racecourse, Melbourne, Victoria. For cyclists in
NSW and Queensland, join the MS Sydney to the
Gong or MS Brissie to the Bay events.
INFO msmelbournecycle.org.au

W H AT This fun, female-focused event raises
funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
It’s a great introduction to triathlons, with four
different distances ranging from short to ultra,
as well as a kids’ category.
WHEN AND WHERE Triathlon Pink runs year-
round in most major cities, including Sydney
(April 22) and the Sunshine Coast (April 29).
Check the website for more dates.
INFO triathlonpink.com.au

W H AT This 14km course takes in some of
the best views in Sydney, from the CBD to
stunning Bondi Beach.
WHEN AND WHERE The event runs on August

  1. There are similar events in the City Run
    Series including the City2South (Brisbane),
    Fun Run (Canberra), Swan River Run (Perth)
    and City2Sea (Melbourne). Visit the website
    to find more information about event dates
    in your state.
    INFO cityrunseries.com.au

Take in the sights of
Sydney’s harbour
on Coastrek.

Join a group to complete
a fun run – and make new
friends along the way!

It took a beer-loving, non-exercising
Coach to set up Challenge
Champions Weight Watchers, a
Facebook group that encourages
members to join community
exercise events and fun runs.
Since starting the group in 2015,
WW Coach Angie Jodrell has helped
organise teams for four to five events
a year, from fun runs to stair climbs.
“It gets members involved, it’s
building community, friendships and
is encouraging us to move more!”
she says. “Doing the events gives
you a sense of achievement too and
is about coming together as a group.”
It all started when Angie and
another Coach thought it would
be fun to do the City2Surf.
“My members always knew me
as the non-exercising, beer-loving
leader,” says Angie. “We were
saying wouldn’t it be great if we
could get a group involved to do
the City2Surf, and so we got
a Facebook group going.”
Members register in the event as
a Challenge Champions team, and
Angie organises T-shirts and helps
everyone get through to the end.
Groups of 10-15 members have
completed three City2Surfs, the
Sydney Tower Stair Challenge,
plenty of Color Runs and more.
If you’d like to be part of the group,
search for Challenge Champions
Weight Watchers on Facebook and
request to join the group.

Flying colours


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