Weight Watchers Australia — March 2018

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Trying to cut back on the salt?
Good idea. As a general rule,
Australians consume three
times more sodium than they
need for good health. The
problem? Eating too much salt
bumps up blood pressure and
increases the risk of stroke,
kidney problems, osteoporosis
and type 2 diabetes.

THE FIX: New research proves
that spicy food activates the
same areas of the brain that
salt does. So, to use less salt
without noticing a difference
in flavour, add some chilli to
your favourite weeknight meals
or summer salads.

That’s how many
more minutes
a day you’ll
spend being
active if you
program your
function to send
you a ‘moving
more by sitting
less is good for
you!’ message at
least once a day.



Love is in the air this
month with Valentine’s
Day on the 14th, so do
your health a favour
and spread the hugs!
It turns out that, as
long as you’re hugging
someone you know
and like, when you
make contact you’ll
experience a surge of
oxytocin, a hormone
that fights stress and
promotes wellbeing.

To make a new healthy habit stick, turn
your goal into a question you can answer
instead of a statement. So less “I’ll eat
more fruit and veg this week” and more
“Will I eat more fruit and veg this week?
Yes!” Research shows that framing
ambitions as questions creates bigger
behaviour changes.


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