Australian Homespun — February 2018

(C. Jardin) #1



Trace the Tumbler template from
the Pattern Sheet accurately onto
template plastic using a fine-pointed
permanent marker. Cut it out on the
line with craft scissors. The cut line
is the stitching line and a seam
allowance must be added as the
shapes are cut from fabric. Refer
to Frances’s Cutting Tips.


From the medium to dark-value
print fabrics, trace and cut:

  • 284 Tumbler shapes (patchwork).


From the light-value print
fabrics, cut:

  • 283 Tumbler shapes (patchwork).


From the pink tone-on-tone print
fabric, cut:

  • Eleven strips, 2^11 ⁄ 2 in across the
    width of the fabric (top and bottom
    borders and binding)

  • 42 Tumbler shapes (left and right


From the light-value pink print
fabric, cut:

  • Eight strips,^7 ⁄ 8 in across the width
    of the fabric (binding peeper).


Centre the Tumbler template
on the wrong side of each fabric
shape and trace around it with the
2B pencil. Keep the pencil sharp
for accurate fi ne lines. Refer to
Frances’s Tracing Tip.



Select 14 medium-dark Tumbler
Shapes and 13 light-value ones
plus two pink tone-on-tone shapes.
Lay them out in a row, alternating the
light and dark shapes with the pink
ones at either end. This is Row 1.


Select 13 medium-dark Tumbler
shapes and 14 light-value ones
plus two pink tone-on-tone shapes.
Lay them out in a row above Row 1,
alternating the values once more.
This is Row 2.


Continue laying out rows of
alternating Tumbler blocks as
set in the fi rst two rows until a total
of 21 rows are laid out. Refer to the
quilt photograph as a guide.


When you’re happy with the
complete layout, carefully
pick up the Tumbler blocks from
Row 1 in order and put them in
a zip-lock bag labelled ‘Row 1’.
Repeat this step to package the
21 rows of blocks, each labelled

appropriately and kept in the
correct order. You now have an
ideal portable sewing project – you
need only take one bag, a needle,
thread and thread cutter.


Take out the fi rst two Tumbler
shapes from the Row 1 bag.
Match them, right sides together
and facing in opposite directions
as shown in the photograph. Insert
a pin through the corners of the two
blocks, checking they are placed
accurately on both layers of fabric –
this aligns the traced stitching lines.


Thread the needle and knot
the end of the thread. Begin
stitching at one corner with a small
backstitch, then sew a line of
running stitch along the marked line,
checking that it’s going along the
line on the underlying tumbler shape
as well. When you get to the pin
at the other end, work a backstitch
to fasten the thread and cut it off.
Don’t sew past the marked lines.


Continue joining the Tumbler
shapes in order with all the
darker-value ones facing the
opposite direction to the lighter ones
and with a pink tumbler at each end
of the strip to complete Row 1.


Sew the subsequent rows
together in the same way,
ensuring each row has the light
and dark blocks alternating with
each other as you set out in your
initial layout. Keep the completed
rows in their labelled bags so you
can lay them out correctly when
they’re all joined.


Match Rows 1 and 2, right
sides together and pin the
seam intersections together. Sew the
rows together by hand with running
stitch, but don’t stitch into the seam
allowances at the corners as this
enables you to decide at the pressing
stage which way to press the seams.


Next join Row 3 to Row 2 in
the same manner. Continue
joining the rows in the correct order
until all 21 rows are joined.


Press the quilt top carefully.
You can press the seams of
odd rows to the left and even rows
to the right, or press all the seams
towards the darker fabrics to limit
shadowing if you prefer, but don’t
press hand-stitched seams open.

Step 6

Quilt detail

When you’re marking the tumbler
shapes on the wrong sides of the
fabric, place them on a fine-grade
sandpaper surface. This helps to
keep the fabrics steady while you
draw on them and increases accuracy.

Step 11

Step 12

Step 13a

Homespun 55

HSP1902_p052-058_Tumbler PROJECT.indd 55 12/11/2017 12:16:12 PM

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