Australian Natural Health — January-February 2018

(Brent) #1
If there’s one thing Joy could tell
her younger self, it would be:
“Unapologetically be yourself
and take care of yourself before
you take care of anyone else.” She
also places importance on being
true to ones’ self and avoiding the
temptation of pleasing others.
“You will not please everyone –
that is guaranteed – so don’t seek
the approval of everyone. Stay
true to what feels right for you.”

And when it comes to
change, Joy embraces it and
welcomes it into her life. As
demonstrated in her many
career paths, she’s constantly
chasing passions and walking
to the beat of her own drum.
“From primary school teaching
and starting my own sleepwear
company, to becoming a
Pilates teacher and essential oil
advocate, I embrace change like
I do the weather. We all evolve
as human beings. Everything
about us changes through
life: what makes us tick, what
brings us joy, what we dislike
and what makes us furious. We
need to welcome and embrace
these changes, not resist them.”
But perhaps her most
profound tip for living a healthy
life is developing a healthy
respect and acceptance for
yourself – and not apologising
for it. “Self-love is not indulgent;
it’s a necessity,” she says.
“Developing a full-blown love
affair with yourself is the only
way you will begin to know
the real you, your true spirit or
essence. It is only when you take
care of yourself that you will be
able to stay true to your inner
voice, your passion and purpose
here on this Earth.”

What’s your go-to essential oil?
Wild orange. It’s cheap and can make
you feel amazing in an instant. And it’s
the best with chocolate!

What does your beauty routine
consist of?
I cleanse, tone and moisturise with
doTERRA’s Verage range and in the
evening I add frankincense to pure
jojoba oil for a luxurious face massage.
I make my own scrubs with either
jojoba oil or hemp seed oil and brown
sugar and use that on my face once or

twice per week. I also love a good body
scrub with grapefruit and rosemary.

What’s your personal mantra?
I open myself up to the abundance of
the universe and allow the divine to
work through me.

What are you grateful for?
Past teachers who have been able to
share their lessons with us.

What’s your favourite yoga pose?
Tree pose.

“Self-love is not
indulgent; it’s



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