Australian Natural Health — January-February 2018

(Brent) #1
1 frozen banana (peel it
before you freeze it)
2 medjool dates, pitted
1 tsp maca powder
pinch of ground nutmeg
pinch of ground cinnamon
1 tbsp carob powder, plus
extra to sprinkle on top
¼ cup (40 g) macadamia
nuts, plus extra, crushed,
to serve
1–1¼ cups (250–310 ml)
macadamia nut milk
Pop everything into a
blender and blitz it up,
adding a little extra nut milk,
if necessary, to reach your
desired consistency. Pour
into glasses, sprinkle with
a little extra carob powder
and a few extra crushed
macadamia nuts, and serve.




You can substitute the dates
for 1 tbsp rice malt syrup or
maple syrup. You can use any
nut milk for this recipe; I like to
use macadamia but almond
works really well, too.

We asked Lola
What inspired you to write your
new book, Beauty Food? 
It came from a passion for food, health,
make-up, skin health and yoga – there
are some sweet yoga poses in here for
beauty. You see, I used to be a make-
up artist, so I love the idea of looking
after our hair, skin and nails from the
inside out. It’s amazing how much food
can affect our body, mind and soul.
When you eat well, your skin glows,
you feel great and you look unreal,
too. I love the idea of medicinal effects
of food, and this is really cool when it
comes to beauty, too. [Take] turmeric
and its anti-inflammatory effects, or
honey being an antibacterial, [which
is] a great addition to face masks.
What role does our diet play in the
overall appearance of our skin,
hair and nails? 
I think it’s huge. In the book, I interviewed
David Gillespie, who talks about the
damaging effects of refined sugar
on not just the body, but specifically
our skin health. It’s amazing how
much of a key player our diet is when
it comes to hair, skin and nails.
I think hydration is key, too. When
I’m not hydrated I can see it in my skin.
When you’re eating whole foods that
are naturally nutrient dense, your skin
just glows, and your energy is clear.
I will also say this: one key to looking
great is loving who you are, and not
worrying about what other people
think about you. That’s where true
beauty lies. Kind people are always
the most beautiful in my eyes.
Why is it important to incorporate
antioxidant-rich foods in our
diet? What effect do they have on
our skin? 
They help to prevent free-radical
damage, which can speed up the ageing
process of fine lines and wrinkles. The
best sources of antioxidant-rich foods
are berries, prunes, goji berries, turmeric
and, of course, chocolate – but you want
to stick to the dark stuff – at least 70 per
cent cacao – to get the health benefits.
A great nighttime treat to help
beat sugar cravings and give you an
antioxidant hit is to get a bowl of berries
(any kind), melt some coconut oil, mix
with a teaspoon of cacao powder, then
add a few drops of stevia. Tip your
healthy, sugar-free mix over your berries
and place in the fridge. It’s delish, guilt
free and jam-packed full of antioxidants.

What are your top tips for a healthy,
glowing complexion? 
Sleep, drink water, eat loads of fruits, vegies
and good fats. I think people are scared of
fats and they really shouldn’t be; I eat an
avocado a day sometimes! Salmon is great
too, and cooking in coconut oil is a great
way to get more good fats in. A handy trick
is to add a teaspoon of coconut oil into
your tea or coffee – it tastes amazing!
Think about making topical masks,
too. I do two face masks a week as they
help to nourish from the outside. There
are some really simple recipes in the
book. And you know what? They’re a bit
of fun, so do it with a mate, have a laugh
and nourish your skin at the same time.

Another trick is to look after the backs of
your hands and your neck, as they tend to age
faster and we forget about them. Whenever
I do a face mask, I’ll put it on the back of my
hands and my neck, too. My mates laugh at
me but I love it, and I know it’s working magic!
What’s something that all women
should know about beauty? 
That it really comes from within and until
you love yourself, there won’t be any magic.
You really need to value and love who you
are; that’s where the true beauty is and
that’s where the self-worth comes from.
Look after yourself and make it a priority
because you believe that you deserve it.
Self-worth and loving who you are is the key. AUSTRALIAN NATURAL HEALTH | 59

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