Australian Natural Health — January-February 2018

(Brent) #1

I’ve learnt that we are all one; we are
all essentially the same at our core and
completely connected. Yet, at the same
time, we are all different, and it’s our
differences that make us so beautiful.
The more tolerance and acceptance we
have of these differences, the more we
can begin to celebrate others.
The more I travel, the more I see
how much our earth needs our help.
It saddens me to see so much poverty
and environmental degrade. There is
so much beauty in our world, yet so
much pain, disrespect and intolerance.
It makes me realise that I want to be a
shining light of inspiration for as many
people as I can be, to be the change, and
share as much kindness and love as I
possibly can.

I love nothing more than walking
barefoot in the sand, absorbing the
natural healing energies. Time in nature
brings me back into alignment. It’s
my meditation time. My mind relaxes,
it switches off, and all those happy
neurotransmitters start building up. It’s
a natural anti-depressant. [Spending
time in nature] has to be my biggest
health tip I can give to anyone.

I think of food as medicine. Generally,
everything in moderation works for
most. If you have a specific condition
you can really tailor your diet to help

heal your body. So many diseases begin
with improper digestion. I’ve noticed
that happy tummies has always equated
to happy, healthy humans. I’m a big
advocate of plant-based diets and
keeping gluten and dairy to a minimum.
For many reasons, I’ve switched to
a vegan, gluten-free diet this year. The
ethical and environmental implications
are my biggest drivers, though my
daughter also decided to become
vegetarian and it’s been really great to
support her on this journey.

The moment we realise just how
amazing and magnificent we truly are,
we really step into joy, into happiness.
Self-love begins with acceptance;
when we allow our thoughts to be,
we can really stop being so hard on
ourselves. When we give ourselves
permission to live without judgement,
we will have that awakening moment
and realise we are enough, just as we are.
It takes courage to let yourself be
truly seen and to be vulnerable. Though
this opens up the pathway to acceptance

and true self-love and inspires others to
do the same. We stop comparing and we
start celebrating others and ourselves.
Our love grows, our heart expands, and
we start to feel joy on that same level we
did when we were kids.
Mantras, yoga, healthy, vital food and
spending time in nature are simple and
effective ways to inject more self-love
into your day.

[Living your passion is] when you are
following the joy in your heart. And
this actually changes through life. I’ve
taken time in my life to sit, meditate
and reflect on what brings me joy, what
excites me and drives me.
I’m most passionate about my family.
I love those silly moments laughing
together where your belly hurts, where
you’re just so caught up in the moment
[and] nothing else exists. I am very
passionate about travel and we’ve been
lucky enough to bring the kids along on
so many adventures and share this with
them. This has honestly been the best
experience of our blogging so far and
brought so much joy to our lives.

Accepting and allowing our own
thoughts and those of others is key [to
happiness]. Our resistance is a barrier
to the freedom of an abundant pool
of joy and happiness that awaits us all.
Spreading kindness, taking good care
of yourself, and helping others is a
wonderful way to open your heart up to
a path that will lead you there.




Favourite asana: Child’s pose, I
find it so restorative and nurturing


Personal mantra: Breathe in
love, breathe out gratitude


Style of meditation: Sound healing
meditation with crystal bowls


Favourite affirmation: I love
and accept myself, just as I am


Favourite book: Creative
Visualization by Shakti Gawain


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