Australian Natural Health — January-February 2018



One of the most profound changes we can make for our beauty, health
and the planet is adopt a plant-based diet. Here, LIZ GR AY unpacks
the essential plant nutrients we need to maintain supple, nourished skin.



Of all the lifestyle changes we
can make for the health of our
beautiful planet, adopting a plant-
based diet is potentially the most
significant. Following a whole
food, plant-based diet takes a
little extra thought in some areas
to ensure all nutritional needs are
being met, but done well, there
are many, many benefits to your
wellbeing, to animal welfare and to
the health of the planet.

In the decade since 2006, the
number of people choosing a
vegan lifestyle increased by 350
per cent, with half this increase
in the 15- to 34-year-olds age
bracket. With celebrities including
Beyoncé, Natalie Portman, Jared
Leto, Miley Cyrus and Liam
Hemsworth – not to mention an
increasing number of top athletes

  • praising a plant-based lifestyle,
    it’s no wonder the movement
    is gaining traction. With an
    abundance of online, plant-

based food porn and increased
availability of vegan-friendly
products like, everywhere, it’s
never been easier to eat green.
And not only will you likely feel
better, lighter, and more vital, you
might be surprised by the scale of
some of the beauty benefits you
encounter along the way.

Plant-based proponents claim a
whole host of perks, from stronger
nails and clearer skin, to an end to
acne, brighter eyes and shinier hair.
And many also claim that visible
skin ageing slows significantly
when ditching meat.

“Animal products, when
cooked, contain substances called
AGEs, an abbreviation of advanced
glycation end products,” says Dr
Heleen Roex-Haitjema, MD,
pediatrician and certified Food for
Life instructor (wholeplantshealth. “AGEs are a biomarker
for geronto-toxins – they promote
the ageing process.”
That said, there are potential
beauty pitfalls when following a
plant-based diet, as nutritional
deficiencies can present themselves
in both how we look and how
we feel. While a plant-based
diet is generally higher in skin-
loving vitamins than the typical
omnivore diet, it can be lower
than ideal in omega-3, zinc- and
collagen-boosting proteins if not
thoughtfully planned. These three
are essential for beautiful hair,
skin and nails, and while they are
typically found in large quantities
in meat and fish, they are also
present in the plant world if you
know where to find them.

proponents claim
a whole host of
perks, from stronger
nails, clearer skin,
to an end to acne,
brighter eyes and
shinier hair.
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