Australian Natural Health — January-February 2018

(Brent) #1


Primal Collective
Omega 3 Marine
Algae Oil Capsules
$40 for 60,

The Beauty Chef Collagen
Inner Beauty Boost
$39.95 for 500ml,

Welle Co The Super Elixir
Nourishing Protein
$59 for 500g,

Bio Blends Organic
Zinc Extract
$54.90 for 60 capsules,

Zinc is a renowned natural sunscreen and sunspot fader.
Dietary zinc has been proven to be effective at reducing acne,
soothing sensitive skin, as studies show a correlation between
increased zinc intake and relief from skin irritation. It’s also
a powerful antioxidant proven to keep skin looking younger,
longer. Zinc also plays a key role in healthy hair growth and
nail strength.
According to naturopath Janella Purcell, 85 per cent of
Australian women and 67 per cent of men are falling short of
the recommended daily intake, which for men is 14mg and
for women, 8mg. Zinc is most commonly found in meat,
shellfish and dairy, but it can also be sourced from non-animal
foods such as wheat germ, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, nuts,
chickpeas, tofu, tempeh, alfalfa, peas and dark chocolate.
While zinc supplementation may be necessary in some cases,
generally minerals are best absorbed from whole food sources. If
you’re concerned you are not getting enough through diet, there are
a range of dietary supplements that can be consumed.

Soy products: Non-GMO tofu and tempeh
Beans: Pinto, black and kidney beans
Legumes: Lentils and chickpeas
Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, cashews and peanuts
Seeds: Sunflower, sesame, pumpkin and chia seeds
Fortified nutritional yeast

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