Camper Trailer Australia — December 2017

(ff) #1
coming and going. Some take off to go fishing
on a commercial tender to earn some cash or
on other similar enterprises.
Even if going off-grid ain’t your thing,
spending time with people who prefer this type
hard and physical. In the wet, it’s baking hot
and close to 100 per cent humidity by 10am,
so any day’s work is best started during the
cool of pre-dawn, say 4am. By 10am, if you’ve
done it right, the day’s hard work is done. It’s
interloping city-dweller is mistaken into thinking
that off-gridders have simply ‘gone troppo’,

Becoming self-reliant is an
exhilerating accompishment

Setting up near a creek makes sense

" Going off-

grid pretty much

ensures everyday is


prepared to grab the


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