Camper Trailer Australia — December 2017

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needs. It’s easy to marvel at this use of time.
In comparison, I’d be pondering returning to
work to fret over web banner production and
addressing client concerns over copy syntax
Getting the trunk off the beach wasn’t easy.
He had to wait many months for a king tide
and favourable currents, rope in eight blokes,
take them in his tinny with 25hp outboard to
the beach where the trunk languished on the
high-water mark, jumbled up with single rubber
thongs, barnacle-encrusted bottles and other
flotsam, chain the trunk to the back transom,
then float, push, cajole and wrestle the trunk so
it ended up floating behind the tinny. Then he
towed the massive log, inch by inch, metre by
metre back to a wharf serviced by a dirt road in
the mouth of a nearby river.
Today, he has a house in the rainforest with
red cedar benches everywhere and perhaps
the most magnificent dining table I’ve ever
Going off-grid pretty much ensures every
day is an adventure. Opportunities present
themselves like logs off a ship, but to grasp
the moments — and when you’re fending for
yourself you must grasp every moment — a
solid community foundation is literally what
separates life from death.CTA

When out in open country, take
advantage of any shade whenever you can


Cape York


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