Camper Trailer Australia — December 2017

(ff) #1
Trippin on up to the very tip

Goal achieved! There were plenty of smiles
at this point, and more than a few happy snaps

way. There's a number of WWII aeroplane wrecks
that can be found in the surrounds of Bamaga,
including the wreckage of a DC3 aircraft which
crashed in 1945 claiming six lives.

There's no question that your Cape York
adventure will test your patience, your
appreciation of your family (or co-workers) and
the hardware of your vehicle. However, even
as you're digging out the 4WD with Max Trax,
remember to stop and look around you. Every
moment here is worth remembering.CTA


Ra c e

Part 2

Cape York's landscape is undeniably magical but
one of the most important lessons you can glean
from it is an understanding of the connection the
traditional owners have to the land. There are
indigenous communities with diverse histories
and culture all over the Cape York Peninsula.
During our time at Loyalty Beach we were lucky
enough to see a performance from young
indigenous dancers from the nearby community
of Seisia, along with traditional song and
storytelling of their community's history. Another
benefit were the historic discoveries along the

Another day, another stunning view...

" Cape York's

landscape is



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