Camper Trailer Australia — December 2017

(ff) #1

bonus with the water filter was its size. This is
a compact unit that takes up next to no space,
something keen campers will know is a bonus
when load is such an issue for towing. On
our trip, we had plenty of gear so this was a
welcome feature.
When it came to testing the product there
was one surefire way to gauge its popularity and
effectiveness, and that was taking it to the target
audience. During our Cape York trip we had a
much deserved reprieve from the bone-rattling
corrugated tracks, with a four day stay
at Loyalty Beach Campground, near
Putting our need for a
Happy Hour beverage aside,
we took to the campground
to chat to our fellow
campers to get their verdict
on the water filter, ready
to offer a trial to anyone
who was keen. The first RVer
greeted us warmly, but was
already one step ahead of us –
she produced her own B.E.S.T Water
Filter and was quick to tell us how handy
she and her husband were finding it during
their travels in remote areas like Cape York
and the Kimberley, where water sources were
often questionable. Our presence around camp
caused a stir, and we soon had a curious group
of fellow campers eager to try the filter on their
camper trailers. One family were relayed their
recent predicament of running out of water, and
having to take a chance on a tap they found in a
public park.

“We obviously didn't get
sick, but the taste wasn't great,
and this would be great, to
remove the uncertainty,” they
The B.E.S.T Water Filter
consists of carbon/charcoal in
the middle and silver coated
crystals at each end. This
SilverSafe technology removes
chemicals and sediment,
destroying bacteria
and allowing you
to safely draw water from
towns, tanks, creeks, or bore
water – perfect for remote
touring. The installation is
easy to DIY and one of its
major benefits is that it
can be reused after long
periods of non-use. That's
great if you're someone who
only hits the wide open road
on occasion. It's diverse too,
and can be mounted vertically or
horizontally. B.E.S.T Water Filter claim
it removes chemicals for about 5000L – we
obviously didn't get to test it to this extent,
although feedback from the RV community on
its longevity has been positive.
You can use it in a few ways: by using it to
filter water from a water source to your RV's
water hose connection point, to your tanks, or
using it in a built-in way to your drinking water
system. Of course, the real proof in using a
system like this is how well the water tastes. We

hooked the filter up to a tap in the campground
and and sampled it, pleased to report that
the water quality was crystal clear, and was
completely devoid of any unpleasant taste.
More than just a great addition to your RV kit,
you can also use the B.E.S.T Water Filter around
the home. It's Australian made, and developed
by Colin Hopgood, born into a third generation
of plumbers, so you can have confidence there
is some technical knowledge regarding filtration
systems. A definite must-have item before your
next Aussie road trip.

From $110
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