Camper Trailer Australia — December 2017

(ff) #1
best, but plan for the worst. An extra day or t
up your sleeve allowing you to take things s
if needed are all it takes to knock the edge off
and make sure everyone in the 4x4 is loving li
not just the nut behind the wheel looking for
rivers to drive through.

I’ve been lucky in my travels up north. I’ve n
waited in queue for a ferry, I’ve never searche
for a vacant space among the towels and boo
boxes at Fruit Bat Falls, and I’ve never drowne
my 4x4 to an audience all eager to play sidelin
quarter back telling me how they would have
done it all while congratulating themselves on
their superior abilities. But my experiences are
far removed from many others. The reality
is Cape York has never been more popular
than it is now. There’s booking systems for
campgrounds, thousands upon thousands of
tourists heading north, and serviced toilets an
bins at places you’d almost think were in the
middle of nowhere.
Cape York can be a tourist trap. You can hav
to stand in line waiting for your chance for a
quick snap at the iconic sign before shuffling
off. And you can be camped up with a dozen
other campers all close enough you’ll hear each






" Make no mistake, an adventure of

this magnitude is something that will

leave everyone with fond memories."

One of the world's great offroad drives

Some waterways on the Cape require
ferry transporation
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