Camper Trailer Australia — December 2017

(ff) #1


eading up to Cape York is a big call –
for some it’s a lifelong ambition. So
do you simply pack the rig and go?
No way! There are lots of moving
parts to consider. Think about schedule, route
selection, refuelling, and rest stops. And that’s
just the start.
If you need inspiration, approach a big trip
like this as if you were organising a wedding.
There are probably around the same number of
moving parts, with hopefully a little less scope
for ‘cold feet’! I saw an infographic recently
that indicated that 40 per cent of couples are
engaged for 13-18 months before they actually
tie the knot (Wedding Paper Divas). So, that
gives them around 12 months to sort out issues
like where to get hitched, how to get there,
where to go for the honeymoon, what to pre-
book, what food to plan for, how much leave to
take, and how to manage responsibilities like
pets, bills and the garden while they’re away.
In reality, similar considerations apply when
planning for overland touring, so it pays to
think ahead. And a 12 month lead in, from first
inspiration to driving back into the driveway
after a successful trip away, is probably a good
aiming mark, if you want to do it right.

yScott Heiman

ow does one prepare for a

thousand click haul upthe old Tele

Track? amper own cott Heiman

ffers his views on beiing ready for


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