Camper Trailer Australia — December 2017

(ff) #1
Picking the season to attempt the Tip is
straightforward, unless you're some form of
wet weather loving masochist. Go in the dry
season – May to October. If you have kids you
can't leave behind or put up for adoption, then
the best time is school holidays in June/July or
In the Army there is a saying “Prior
Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance”
and this certainly applies when considering to
a trip to Cape York. There are vehicle repair
services in Cooktown, Coen, Weipa and Seisia
plus several roadhouses, and if you really get
stuck, RACQ services the area, so you're not
entirely on your own. But having contact details
and at least an outline of services available
before you head off is a good idea.
It’s a long way for a tow if you hit some rocks
and perhaps, roll — so a few spares won't go
astray. Speaking of spares, you’ll need spare
fuel for the trip. Fuel is not always on tap with
some stations closing on random days and fuel
consumption can double with corrugations,
sections and creek crossings.

Now, if most people are honest they’ll accept
that the majority of trips they take are within a
on your individual driving ability. Driving in
isolated environments is not just ‘something
that you do’ — it’s a real skill. Particularly when
So, ask yourself, “do I have the skills to safely
control my rig in unfamiliar and challenging
conditions – or am I likely to place myself and
of a Hema map will remind even the novice tha
the Cape is known for its 4WD opportunities
and iconic experiences among challenging

water crossings.
In some government/military sectors,
preparing individuals to undertake 4WD
responsibilities involves a minimum of 16 days
training that will comprise around 125 hours
behind the wheel in day, night, under load and
difficult terrain environments. This focus on
‘upskilling drivers’ recognises that, just because
you have a driving licence, doesn’t mean you
understand your vehicle and how to use it
So if you don’t operate in the 4x4 sector
professionally, it may be time to find a
commercial or private trainer to provide you
with some pre-trip assistance. While a two-day
introductory 4WD training course won’t get
you through all of the difficult conditions you
might encounter up the Cape, it will certainly
teach you a lot. It’s actually amazing how much
confidence – and competence – you can acquire
over just a weekend with a professional 4WD

When was the last time you checked
the tyre pressure in your spares?



driving instructor.driving instructor.

Vic Widman giving a few 4WD tips
at his purpose made facility
Free download pdf