Camper Trailer Australia — December 2017

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statistics show that 49 per cent of all injuries are
open-wound and that 27 per cent of all injuries
occur while undertaking a leisure activity. So,
planning a trip to the Cape means ensuring
that our rig will position us to readily or reach
‘civilisation’ if things go wrong.'
If you’re not naturally mechanically minded,

The fact is that, while we may normally
regard our vehicles as just a mode of transport
to get us to our favoured 4x4 and camping
locations, on a trip to remote Australia our rig
becomes our safety vehicle. After all, national

Is your camper water tight?
It will need to be for the Tip!


it’s a good idea to book your vehicles – both
tow-tug and camper – in to see a trusted
mechanic in the months ahead of your trip
to see what repairs, modifications, parts and
accessories make sense before you leave.
After all, depending on how well you’ve
maintained and accessorised your rig up
until now, you may be faced with a shopping
list of necessary expenses. Think about the
possible need for new tyres, upgraded brakes
or suspension, rear locker, CB radio, winch or
extended range fuel tank. Unless you’re made
of money, demands like these will place a dint
in your wallet and the associated expenditure
may need to be staggered over a few months
if it’s to be achievable. At the end of the day, by
maintaining and using your vehicle properly,
you’ll prolong its lifespan. And when you finally
hit the road for that long-awaited trip to the
Tip, it’s this preparation that may make the
difference between a great time away, and the
last trip you ever take.
There’s a reason that they say ‘safety is no
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