Camper Trailer Australia — December 2017

(ff) #1

Does Signature’s first shot at a

hard-core offroad camper hit

the mark? A wild day in the rocks

will be the judge of that.

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t’s been a few weeks now since I put
the Signature Campers' Premium to
the test, and to be honest, I’ve kinda
been kicking this can down the road
a little. Not because of any faults with the
trailer, more just me trying to get my head
around it. The pros. The cons. The things
I’d change. And the people it’d suit. There’s
been a pretty big shift in the way people
use camper trailers over the past few years.
They’re constantly expanding. Getting bigger.
Heavier. Fancier. With more accessories than
you’d ever thought possible. The end result is
they end up distracting you from the actual
camping experience, at least in my opinion.
If you’re on the road for six months, a
20,000W inverter might be great, but if
you’re ducking off for a weekend here and
there are you doing it to stare at your laptop
after fighting with 40 spreader bars? Or are
you doing it to get off the beaten track, to
places the Average Joe can’t reach, where
you can enjoy the wonder of the Australian
bush without all the hustle and
bustle of life coming along for
the trip?
The Signature has had me
stumped because there isn’t
really anything to bench mark it
against. Sure, there are trailers that
offer a similar stripped back camping
experience. But they’re three times the price.
And there’s campers for a similar price, but
they’re often a cacophony of poorly thought
out features all designed to lure unsuspecting
buyers. They have more shit, so they must
be better... right? The Premium didn’t really
fit into either category, and that's why I
immediately loved it.
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