Australian Photography — January 2018

(Barry) #1


Kamchatka, Russia

There is something special about visit-
ing a place so incredibly remote. Sitting in the Russian
Far East, Kamchatka is one of the most remote loca-
tions in the world, home to some of the biggest brown
bears you’ll see anywhere on the planet. Kurile Lake
in Kamchatka is a photographers dream, the adventure
getting to the place is an unforgettable experience it-
self. Once you’re in Russia you’ll need to f ly into Pet-
ropavlovsky, then hop on a Mi-8 Russian troop carrier
for a three-hour helicopter ride into the wilderness, fi-
nally landing on a caldera surrounded by volcanoes.

Kurile lake for huge Brown Bears, Mutnovsky Volca-
no, Avacha Bay for Orca sightings, and the Khodutka
River, to take a bath in Kamchatka’s largest natural
hot spring.

Between July and September as many desirable parts
of Kamchatka are snowed in during other times of
the year. This is the most active time for the bears
and other wildlife.
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