Pets Australia - 01.02.2018

(Frankie) #1

Small animal special | PETS 39

Better than that, they’re social
little guys and most love spending
time with their owners — what
more could you ask for in a pet?
Plenty, it turns out. Guinea
pigs are also smart and some can
even learn tricks! Most will at least
respond to their name. And the
good news is, they like to keep
themselves clean so, with a little
grooming assistance from you, you’ll
have yourself one tidy pet. Sounds perfect!

  1. MOUSE
    Short on space but big on heart? Perhaps a
    mouse is what you’re looking for! These tiny
    mammals make great pets. They’re a good
    choice for many allergy suff erers, thanks to
    their minimal shedding, and they can be very
    entertaining to watch.
    Mice do tend to like the company of other
    mice, although it’s not recommended to keep
    two males together in case they fi ght, or a male
    and a female in case you end up with many
    little mouse babies!

    Ferrets can be fabulous pets for those looking
    for something a little bit diff erent. While they’re
    not as popular as rabbits and guinea pigs, ferrets
    do make really fun pets for those older small
    animal keepers who are interested in a bit of a
    challenge. They have great personalities and
    can be litter trained. Not only that, you can keep
    them inside — and since they don’t often make
    any noise, your neighbours will never know!
    Some ferrets can be prone to aggression,
    so make sure you speak to
    your local breed society
    for advice on care and
    suggestions on where to get
    them to ensure you have a
    fabulous ferret experience.

    Perhaps the ultimate small
    large animal is the Shetland
    pony. This gorgeous
    creature makes a fabulous

pet for the horse lovers among us, and
owning one has many benefi ts.
The most obvious is size. Small horse
means small paddock, which can be a lot
more manageable for those who don’t have
hundreds of acres to spare. They can be
ridden, although it’s best to speak to your local
pony club to confi rm suggested rider weight
guidelines. They’re fun to groom and they can
really enjoy bonding with you over an apple
and a nice combing of the mane. Now that
sounds like our kind of pet!

  1. RAT
    Much like their small friend the mouse, rats
    make very popular pets due to their minimal
    shedding. These sweet little guys are also very
    intelligent and love to keep themselves clean
    — now that’s our kind of animal!
    They don’t require much room, don’t make
    much noise and they’re rather inexpensive to
    keep. These little critters have personality plus
    and can become very interactive with you.
    Make sure you keep them in a sturdy cage,
    though, because if they get on the loose, they
    can be quite hard to fi nd!





Shetland pony
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