Pets Australia - 01.02.2018

(Frankie) #1

Health and wellbeing | PETS 45

  1. Invest in a g d vac m
    Dr Alex urges readers to invest in a good
    vacuum cleaner as it can save an enormous
    amount of time. “Time is the most important
    currency in my life and having an excellent
    vacuum has saved me a tonne of time,
    especially when cleaning up after my pets.

If I had a cheap vacuum, I’d really struggle to
get all the dog hair off my carpet,” she says.

  1. Take your pets to the gr mer
    By consistently taking your pet to the groomer,
    you are removing all the excess fur from your
    dog or cat, leaving less for you to clean up.
    “It’s a win-win; you’re
    cleaning less and your
    pet is feeling good!”
    Dr Alex says.
    6. Giving your
    pet a healthy diet
    Dr Alex stresses the
    importance of a healthy
    diet for your pets and
    says there will be a
    noticeable difference
    in your pet’s coat just
    from having the right
    diet. A glistening coat
    equals stronger and
    healthier fur and a lot
    less hair to clean up.

4 Investinagdvacm IfIhadacheapvacuum,I’dreallystruggle to

Having your pet
groomed can
help reduce
the amount
of hair she

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Good hair health
starts from within!
Feeding your pet a
quality diet can help
with shedding, too.
Free download pdf