Pets Australia - 01.02.2018

(Frankie) #1
Photos: Alfa Studio/, Yastremska/, Rohappy/


PETS | Behaviour and training

There’s no doubt about it: your dog is good
for your ego. He’s your number-one fan and
he’s not shy about showing it. But as cute
as it is to have your puppy jump all over
you — and your guests — when you walk in
the door, it’s not what you want in the long
term. And it’s a behaviour that you need to
nip in the bud from the get go.
Melanie Griffiths, pet expert at Mad Paws,
Australia’s largest pet-sharing network, says
dogs jumping up to greet you is a common
problem for most dog owners. “It may be cute
to you but, if ignored, your dog will exhibit the
same jumping behaviour when she excitedly
greets a child, elderly person or someone
nervous around dogs.”
Melanie says that while starting a positive
greeting routine from puppyhood is the best
way to establish good habits, it’s never too late

While a dog jumping up is cute when it’s little, it can become problematic as the dog gets older and bigger.


You can stop your dog
from jumping all over you
when you arrive home,
and make separation
anxiety less of an issue at
the same time. Danielle
Chenery chats to the
experts to fi nd out how.
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