Pets Australia - 01.02.2018

(Frankie) #1


PETS | Behaviour and training

Integrative vet, Dr Matthew Muir, of All
Natural Vet Care in Sydney, agrees it is always
best to reward desirable behaviours, including
when pets are relaxing. “While difficult, it is
recommended to wait for pets to calm down
before giving them attention when you arrive
home,” he says. “If your pet jumps up on you,
it is likely wanting your attention. You need
to educate it that this is not a good way to
ask for cuddles. It is much better for your pets
to realise that if they sit and wait in a relaxed
manner, they will get your attention faster.”
Separation anxiety is a slightly different

beast, however, and it can cause your pooch
to behave in less-than-desirable ways when
you’re leaving the house. Nathan Williams,
dog behaviour specialist, says, “If the dog
has access to the owner on the dog’s terms
constantly, then that becomes the dog’s
normality. The only thing the dog knows as
normal is attachment. Separation anxiety is a
result of unhealthy attachment.”
And how can you tell if your dog is suffering
from this condition? “If you don’t have the
ability to leave the room without your dog
remaining relaxed, you definitely won’t have

Ensuring your pup gets adequate exercise before you leave can help decrease the chance of separation anxiety occurring.
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