Australasian Dirt Bike — January 2018

(sharon) #1
Soon came yet another section of
virgin track that Daley and his cohorts
had plotted over five weekends, by
walking through and tying pieces of
pink ribbon to the trees for riders to
follow. At one potentially deep creek
crossing, they’d even built a bridge
from pallets and steel mesh to ensure
everyone could get through.
It was awesome, and at times
challenging, Grade Three riding, and
with fallen trees littering the ground,
you were on your toes the whole time.
This made reaching the lunch stop and
getting a breather as good as
Christmas. The DSMRA crew, as

meats, rissoles, salads, rolls and fruit,
along with hot and cold drinks, and a
roaring fire to take the chill off.
But of course, we were late getting
there, which meant poor old Pete
Cambrell, who would be trail boss for
the avo, had to cut short some of the
‘treats’ he had in store for us, including
a hard split that sounded like it was
designed purely to kick arse and take
names. Ah, there is a God ...
Nevertheless, Cambrell still had
some aces up his sleeve, delivering
some cracker virgin trail as we kept
tracking west across the mountains in
the direction of Tumut. But what had
many of us in fits were some sections




Snow job!
Time, as they say, heals all wounds.
That also applies to frost bite, because
back in 2009, the DSMRA’s Canberra-
Tumut Ride went down in history as
one all 45 participants would never
forget. Why? Because it was an epic
white-out, as Mother Nature decided to
dump her guts and cover the
Brindabella Ranges in snow!
Now, riding in snow looks like it
would be fun, but I’ve got a couple of
issues with it:
1). If it snows long enough and the
snow gets deep enough, you can’t see
the rocks, logs, ruts and holes in the
ground that you’re slamming into;
2). It’s fun for 30 minutes, but after
that your fingers, toes and face get
cold, and if you stay out even longer,
your whole body gets cold to the core.
Back in 2009 we were riding in the
snow for hours on the way to Tumut and
was just enough to keep the cold from
getting through. Other guys, wearing
just MX jerseys and lightweight enduro
jackets, weren’t so well prepared, and
one bloke copped hypothermia,
requiring the sweeps to stop at a farm
house and get him in a shower to bring
his body temp. back up.
If you’re going to have to ride in the
snow, make sure you’re ready for it. JANUARY 2018 | 135

Pete’s Berg hit the trailer on Sunday Bush banquets were something else

Traction, grip and drive were

very rare commodities and it

took ages to get everyone through

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