Australasian Dirt Bike — January 2018

(sharon) #1

Those DSMRA boys sure



of fire-trail which were coated with a
four-inch layer of gloopy red clay that
had no frickin’ traction at all. Just
riding in a straight line meant no
twisting the throttle, no brakes, no
clutch and pucker your arse cheeks as
tight as you can.
All of which made hitting the tarmac
for the final leg into Tumut all-the-
more tasty, especially for a bloke
named Tony who, it turned out, had
been riding with two busted feet and a
cracked fibula after boofing a log after
lunch. Tough son of a gun, yeah?
We’d racked up almost 200km for
the day and the thought of a hot
shower, a mighty feed and a few
beverages at the local bowlo club was
lip-smackingly good.
But there was one last sting in the
tail for the day, with three riders
copping fines and multiple demerit
points for having unroadworthy bikes,
literally right outside the caravan park
where we were staying. That left a real
sour taste ... but the boys did a whip-
round the next day to help pay the
fines. Awesome.

The next day’s return trip over the
mountains delivered more of the same,
as Cambrell took point and headed
deep into pine plantations in the
general direction of Wee Jasper, before
cutting south-west into the
Brindabellas to get back to the vehicles
near Cotter.
It was another action-packed day,
with one rider having to be rescued
after sailing off the edge of a ‘cliff’ and
four drowning their bikes in a fast-
flowing creek with a lumpy, rocky
bottom that brings a few unstuck every
year. Yes, the sweeps earned their keep

  • thanks, gents.
    Somewhat surprisingly, the entire
    pack was back to Cotter by mid-
    afternoon, bikes loaded and everyone
    setting off on the drive home by
    4.30pm. Judging by the post-ride smiles

  • and aches and pains – everyone was
    rapt to have been part of another stellar
    Canberra-Tumut run.
    Those DSMRA boys sure do know
    how to turn on a heck of a trailride and
    if you want in on this one in 2018,
    make sure you get in early.

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[email protected]
More images and info at

136 | JANUARY 2018

More timber laid to get across a bog

Try marking this in the dark with a flat headtorch

Powerline twin-track for a quick breather

The boot warmer came in handy on Sunday

Some of the log crossings
were very greasy


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