Australasian Dirt Bike — January 2018

(sharon) #1
144 | JANUARY 2018

and onions flared my nostrils. I
resisted the temptation and chugged
down a can of Coke. I love a good feed
after a ride but not during. It makes me
all sleepy and I can’t hang back when
it comes to a barbie, so Chad and I
threw our gear back on and hit the
trails again.
There were noticeably fewer riders on
the second loop, which let us pick up
the pace a bit. It was cracking and we
eventually stopped in the fun stuff so I
could snag a few photos.
I was feeling shagged and the logs we
rode over on the first loop suddenly
seemed bigger and more plentiful. It
was like they’d grown and had babies.
Either that or I was just rooted.

As we cruised through the latter
sections of our second loop, we came
across a bloke who had buried himself
deep in some blackberry bushes after
getting out of shape in the one bog-hole
on the whole 45km course. We stopped

and helped him out.
Directly after the really big
downhill we found a rider who’d
cooked his rear brake and the back
wheel was locked solid.
The sun was out and the track was
much drier and dustier, but with fewer
riders on the course it was still pretty
damn sweet.
We rolled back to the carpark and I’d
had my fill. I was wearing a dusty grin
and that was all that mattered in the
world right then and there. I headed
home a happy man.
The Myrtleford Alpine Rally had
delivered once again.
The move out to Gapsted provided
some great trails and, by all reports,
Saturday night at the Myrtleford footy
rooms was a cracker, with plenty of
nice goodies finding new homes,
including a Honda CRF50.

Got something to say about this yarn?
[email protected]
More images and info at

The sun

was out

and the

track was


drier and



Easy rider

For a no-fuss Alpine Rally experience you
need a reliable, registered bike with good
chain and sprockets, good tyres with
plenty of grip and brakes with plenty of
meat. I rode a Sherco 300 SEF-R, which
was ideal. It was fast enough for the open
trails and it carved the single stuff like a
hot knife through butter.
I just wore my standard riding kit
including a Bell Moto 9 helmet, Alpinestars
riding gear and boots, and a hydration
pack stuffed with tools and a spare tube.
Although this year was clear and sunny, it
can get cold and wet or even close to
snowing, so quality goggles are a must.
Consider dual-lense goggles in case the
weather turns nasty.

Tim Ferry, Steve Carell and Dan Bilzerian

Luke Brock and Tuffy

John Costenaro (left) helped get approvals
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