Australasian Dirt Bike — January 2018

(sharon) #1 JANUARY 2018| 155 AUGUST 2016 | 155



back in 2011

and hated it

whole track is gnarly but I think
because I wasn’t trying to set any
records I actually enjoyed it. The last
time I was here, technically, I don’t
think I finished. I spent a lot of time
laying on a hill helping a teammate
who was faking an injury. I didn’t
want to have this race bugging me
and I’ll probably be silly enough to
come back and do it again next year.

Wade Young lapped me around
halfway. On the flat enduro stuff I
could ride with him because it’s not
that hard but on the technical stuff he
just doesn’t get hung up or slow
down. Even when we got to sections
where there were riders banked up he
could do something special and go

over a rock and be gone, whereas I’d
just have to sit there.
Wade is at another level to everyone
else who was at Wildwood. He’s
obviously very bloody fit. I could ride
his pace but only for a quarter of a lap
and to do his pace for four hours is
another thing altogether.
You can easily get caught up in the
mentality that this stuff is shit and no
fun and I almost let myself go there.
But then I thought about how fun it
can be watching guys loop out with
steam coming off them.
There were a couple of guys at
Wildwood who get paid to race as a
job and guys that race full time and
live at home, but they shouldn’t have
some rum drinker that’s been sitting
on the couch for four years beating

them. When you look at the off-road
racing calendar and realise there was
no Australian Four-Day Enduro this
year, more of the top enduro riders
should have been at Wildwood.
For riders wanting to give it a go
you need to get out and ride the
shittiest trails you can find. It’s a
bloody hard race by Australian
It’s super hard, and different. It’s
like Finke and Hattah.
It takes it to another level where it’s
that hard, it takes you to that pain
place that no other race does and
that’s why riders do come back. I
could see how bad some of the riders
were hurting through the back of
their helmets. And to be honest, that’s
what made me feel better.

Young would like to see
more internationals come
over for Wildwood
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