Australasian Dirt Bike — January 2018

(sharon) #1 JANUARY 2018 | 157



  • There were 133 riders,
    with 22 in the Pro Class.

  • Twenty-three riders failed to finish, but
    only of those were in the Pro Class.

  • The Pro Class runs for four hours. All
    other classes race for three.

  • The biggest category was the Clubman
    16-34 Years class with 49 riders.

‘Jarvis Bolt’ rocks the flanno shirt on his DT175 Greg Kay (Expert Over 35) takes the bus home Sometimes you just have to use brute force

I first heard about Wildwood Rock
when Graham Jarvis raced it and after
trying it myself I’m really glad I did.
Most races we do are unique but this
one is tough. It’s a lot of laps and
pretty brutal and hard on the body. I
was pretty tired and cramping a little
bit but four hours on a tight track is
pretty demanding on the body. I was
feeling it.
There were only two hard sections
and maybe they could put in one
more. The whole track was super
tight. There was no way to go flat out
but it had a bit of everything, with
downhills, uphills, off-cambers, some

gnarly rock sections and gullies so it
was pretty sick.
The toughest section was one main
big rock gully with big rocks where
you had to pivot and turn your bike
from side-to-side.
Another tough section was a rocky
uphill that looked like a dried up old
creek. Being a multi-lap race makes it
more mentally challenging. It’s the
same thing each lap and you know
what’s coming but you know you’ve
got a lot of laps to do so that’s the
mental thing. But it’s also physical
because you can go a lot faster doing
the same things and charging into
them harder.
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