Australasian Dirt Bike — January 2018

(sharon) #1

Barring a miracle, you’d almost say
that the next two years will be the last
for a while. And that’s assuming that
the five-year deal is honoured.
Of course, none of this bothered
Doyle. All he was concerned about
was winning the title, and winning it
on home soil. Given his bad luck in
the past, Doyle wasn’t getting ahead of
himself. He had a job to do and it was
all business.
Throughout the meeting, the
cameras rarely, if ever, caught him
with a smile. He was going to see this
through to the very end.
At 32, Doyle is a late bloomer. He
made his British Speedway League

debut in 2005, but it was not until
2015 when he finally qualified for the
SGP series.
Doyle claims that a day out on the
Murray River in Mildura with
speedway greats Tony Rickkardsson
and Leigh Adams was a turning point.
“They were talking about Darcy
(Ward) and Chris (Holder) and how
they were going to be the next big
thing,” said Doyle.
“I thought, hang on, I want to be a
part of this as well.”
He finally hit his stride in 2016,
defying the experts to become a
serious title contender. When he
crashed in the Polish SGP ending his

Alice Doyle (right) was there to see it all
come together for her husband

Tai Woffi nden, Justin
Sedgmen, Chris Holder and
Denmark’s Peter Kildemand
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