Oxygen Australia — January-February 2018

(Marcin) #1

110 Jan/Feb 2018 oxygenmag.com.au

Set your


for 2018



f there is one thing I know after
seeing in 47 January 1sts it’s that New
Year’s resolutions are one of the quickest,
most painfully effective ways to make a
woman feel like a complete failure at life. In
fact, statistics have shown that only about 8 per
cent of New Year’s resolutions are successfully
seen to fruition!
Whether our resolution is weight loss,
healthier relationships, more satisfying careers,
or something equally as elusive, we all hold on
to this deep-seated belief that the new year will

be the catalyst for us finally getting everything
we desire. Year after year, we eagerly anticipate
that midnight clock ticking over so we have a
new, shiny, clean slate to magically transform
ourselves into that happy, confident, successful
Amazon with a killer physique and all her s***
But that never happens, does it? Or if you
do manage to create something like that vision
you’ve coveted, will it last longer than the first
few months of the year or will it disappear
before you can say ‘where did summer go’?

Replace the futile cycle of
resolutions made and gone
unmet a few months into
the year — if you were ‘good’
enough to last that long —
with something deeper, less
pass-fail-driven, and more
achievable and fulfilling.
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