Oxygen Australia — January-February 2018

(Marcin) #1

oxygenmagAU Jan/Feb 2018 111

with parties, cocktails, hangovers — and the
scales and tightness of my shorts reflected
my complete failure yet again to achieve my
resolutions. Two months down, Easter on the
way, which quickly rolls into a long, cold winter
filled with comfort food and forgiving layers,
and the never-ending cycle continues.
So what can we do to break this cycle? If
we keep doing what we’ve always done, we’ll
keep getting what we’ve always got — errr,
These days, I like to look at the New Year as
an opportunity to set some intentions based
around a theme that I choose for the year. After
many years of broken New Year’s promises,
in my mind the term ‘resolution’ now has a
negative attachment to it — as something that I
have set and failed at year after year.
Alternatively, I associate intentions with
good and positive actions and plans that are
more forgiving in their application. Having
an intention in my mind provides me with
positive objectives to work toward and, unlike
a resolution, can’t be ‘broken’. It allows me to
do my best and accept my efforts, flaws and
all, rather than crumbling under the pressure
of perfection that I associate with achieving a
rigid resolution. I can also choose whether that
theme is for the whole year or whether I want
to change it up each month. That’s the best part
of doing it this way — there are no rules and
therefore no failures!
So how do I set my intentions and theme
each year? Well, it definitely helps to align
them with your values and core beliefs,
which will ultimately make them
easier and more enjoyable to
action, as well as be more
authentic to you.
For example, let’s say
you have a core value of
compassion, so you make
that your theme for the
year ahead. How then
do you apply the theme?
You might consider
compassion for yourself,
compassion for people
in your immediate circle,
or even compassion on a
much broader global scale.
Depending on your scope,
an idea might be to get involved
in more community service or charity
work by volunteering for an organisation
in your suburb. Or maybe you could set a goal
to compete in a national charity fundraising
event each month.
You might set a simple intention to be more
compassionate to your family and friends with
your words and actions. But you could also
explore ways to be more compassionate with
yourself. Anything from hiring a PT or joining

a gym to help get you into shape to saving
for a health retreat during the year to setting
an intention to do five minutes of meditative
breathing each day.
Do you get the idea? If you align your theme
with your core values in life, the intentions
will flow much easier and the action plan will
develop organically and authentically.
Once you have your value-based theme,
the final step is to write it down and place it
somewhere that is visible to you first thing
every morning — maybe your bathroom mirror
or in a frame on your bedside table. That way,
one of the first things you see and think about
each day is your theme and how you can
physically action it for the day. Having your
theme top of mind will also help you when you
are facing choices throughout the year ahead.
So what is my theme for 2018? I think I have
settled on this: ‘Be the change’.
This is a theme that most certainly sits
squarely within my core values of authenticity,
community, influence, leadership, and
challenge. I aim, therefore, to make my daily
decisions based around taking actions and
setting goals that support my broader intention
of ‘being the change I wish to see in the world’.
The best way to influence people to change
in some way is to ‘action’ that change yourself.
To be the teacher, the role model, the leader for
the change you wish to see.
Of course, one of my main drivers as a fitness
professional is the ideal of a fitter, healthier,
and happier world with less lifestyle disease
and illness. So ensuring that my daily actions
role model and support that concept of a fit
and healthy lifestyle is one way I can support
this intention. Hopefully, this theme will help
motivate me to get my butt out of bed when I’m
just not ‘feeling it’.
I also love the ideal of a world where women
accept and love themselves for who they are,
what they look like, and what they are capable
of. So my intention will be to teach and show
my daughters and the women in my immediate
circle of influence, through my actions and
words, that they do not need to live up to
anyone else’s idea of perfection and that they
are perfectly imperfect in their own skin.
Other actions such as being authentic,
honest, and real through my social media
pages, taking on more charity events this year,
and a simple one like treating others around
me in a way that supports my vision for a more
peaceful and happy world all fit in nicely with
my intention to ‘be the change’.
I’m sure I’ll find many more ways that I can
champion this theme in 2018, and hopefully I’ll
get the chance to share some of them with the
Oxygen family.
Have a safe, happy, healthy, and amazing
New Year and remember to theme it your

To be honest,
I gave up making
resolutions years
ago when I realised the
futility of the task. So many
Januarys I would make a mental list of things I
would accomplish that year, mostly revolving
around losing weight, drinking less, exercising
more — sound familiar?
Generally, I would experience that first
crushing feeling of defeat by March each year
while I reminisced about the summer filled


Not later, now! Be bold!
Be more present

Opposite (do the opposite to what

the ‘old’ me would do) Step into you!
Exploration Gratitude

Master a new skill Random acts

of kindness Authenticity
Take a chance Give back

Learning to love me

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