Oxygen Australia — January-February 2018

(Marcin) #1

126 Jan/Feb 2018 oxygenmag.com.au

Lindsay photo:

Dave Laus |

Jes photo:

Dallas Olsen

Fit factor

Jes Murphy
New South Wales
Height: 162cm
Weight: 55kg



Can you inspire
others to be fit?
Send your details
to editorial@challeng-

Future of fitness

Future plans: Currently, I’m taking
my nutrition course, and I am loving it. I
really want to share the knowledge that
I’ve learnt over the years from competing
as well as what I am learning with this
course to my future clients. I want to
see people reach fitness and nutritional
success and make it their lifestyle; it’s

Balance: I am fortunate that my fiance
shares the same health and fitness
passion as I do. We both see it as a
priority, and we train at the same time.
We both follow the same nutritional
lifestyle, so this makes it much easier for
us to succeed in our health goals.

On Oxygen: I love that Oxygen has
practical workouts and often features
workouts that can be done both at the
gym as well as at home! I work a 10-hour
day plus have a one-hour commute both
ways for work, so sometimes I am not
able to make it to the gym, so it’s nice to
be able to refer to the ‘at-home workouts’
featured in Oxygen magazine. And I love
the recipes!

Lindsay Greba
Height: 167cm
Weight: 61kg

Her youth: I started working out at a very
young age. I was a unique little girl who
used to watch Aerobics Oz Style and yoga
on TV instead of cartoons. I used to do sit-
ups in my bedroom before bed as young as
around 10. No one told me to do it; I just
did it.

Inspiration: What inspires me most is
to never give up on my dream of one day
making the cover of Oxygen, so I can share
my motivation with more people around
the country. I will always believe in myself
and who I have become — sharing health
and fitness with others is my passion, and
being a part of Oxygen is the best way to
achieve this at a whole new level!

Train alone or with a buddy: If I am
comp-prepping, I prefer to train by myself
so I can focus. If not, training with a buddy
is awesome. Keeping it interesting, mixing
it up, and pushing each other!

These five
have the
drive that
is the ‘fit
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