Oxygen Australia — January-February 2018

(Marcin) #1

oxygenmagAU Jan/Feb 2018 127

Jessica photo:

James Patrick |

Samantha photo:

James Patrick |

Flavia photo:

Dallas Olsen


Fitness tip: Focus on creating habits and
behaviours that support your goals versus
relying on external motivation. Motivation
and willpower can be fleeting, but discipline
and perseverance will always help you to
achieve your fitness goals.

Quote she lives by: ‘Decide. Commit.
Achieve.’ It’s simple, straightforward, and
inspires action. No sense wasting time
dreaming about achievements when you can
go do it.

Favourite cheat food: I love all types of
food and try not to restrict my regular diet
to cut any food groups out, but I do limit my
intake of sweets and dairy when I’m dieting.
So when I do treat myself, once or twice a
month, it’s always with ice cream!

Motivation: As with Brazilian culture,
girls are really fit and train all the time. I was
skinny and I always wanted to look good and
be happy with my reflection. My mum was
my biggest motivation. She used to go to the
gym every day, and we are really close (she
is my best friend). One day I said, ‘Mum,
can I go with you and do the same class?’ At
the time, she was doing those step classes,
moving and dancing — I didn’t do well to be
honest, but I loved the environment and how
people were happy and friendly. Since then, I
haven’t stopped training.

Advice: There is no ‘best shape’. I once
got into this mindset and it just made me
unhappy with myself and goals. You must
love yourself, your body, your mind, and
your soul and accept who you are. Aim for
improvements, but not perfection. Perfect
is relative and, for me, it doesn’t exist. Your
body is different to mine and to the other
girl training next to you. You must accept
your differences and shape. Keep training
and focus on yourself and your body’s

Contest highlight: WBFF 2017 Gold
Coast. It was when I won my Pro Card and
found my purpose in life.

Jessica Clark
Texa s
Height: 182cm
Weight: 72kg

Flavia Basile
New South Wales
Height: 167cm
Weight: 60kg

Samantha Kozuch
Height: 177cm
Weight: 61kg

Previous accomplishments: If you
were able to see my old bedroom at my
parents’ house from my childhood years,
you’d see a wall full of medals, plaques, and
trophies. I played at a Varsity [university]
level in anything I participated in and always
competed at state competitions. It’s always
good to visit home and look back on my
fitness accomplishments.

Favourite training move: Leg day is my
favourite day, so it would have to be a lower-
body circuit consisting of weighted squats,
plyo box jumps, weighted step-ups and leg
press — anything targeting the booty is my

Favourite non-cheat food: I love to cook
and I love food, so it’s hard to pick just one,
but I have a lemon herb chicken dish that I
cook along with sweet potatoes and brussell
sprouts that is mouth-wateringly delicious,
so that would be my favourite. Healthy meals
don’t have to be bland and boring; I use lots
of different spices and sauces to keep my
dishes tasty and flavourful.
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