Oxygen Australia — January-February 2018

(Marcin) #1

oxygenmagAU Jan/Feb 2018 49

Get into a plank position with your hands
on top of two kettlebells. Your body should
form a straight line from head to heels,
and the kettlebells should be directly
beneath your shoulders. Drive your right
elbow up and back and row the kettlebell
up toward your rib cage. Set it down 5cm
in front of the start position and walk your
toes forward a bit. Continue rowing and
moving forward, alternating sides.
Tip: Make sure your supporting kettlebell
is stable before rowing the other one.

Stand with the kettlebell in your right hand, arm
extended overhead with the kettlebell resting on
the back of your forearm. Step back with your
right foot into a reverse lunge, dropping your
right knee to the ground. Place your left hand
on the floor outside your left knee and swing
your left leg through, extending it to the front as
you bridge your hips. Sit down, then slowly roll
back until you’re lying completely flat with your
right arm and kettlebell extended straight up
from your shoulder. Reverse each step to return
to standing and complete one rep. Continue,
alternating sides.
Tip: Practice this move with lighter weight until
it flows easily and you feel stable and strong in
each phase.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, right leg turned out
slightly and left leg pointing forward. Hold the kettlebell in your left
hand straight up over your shoulder, resting the kettlebell on the
back of your forearm, wrist straight. Turn your head to look up at the
kettlebell. Push your left hip to the side, then drop slowly toward your
right ankle, reaching your fingertips toward the ground. Keep your
eyes on the kettlebell and your left arm perpendicular to the floor
at all times. Once your fingertips touch the floor, reverse the move
and lift your body back to standing. Do all reps on one side before
Tip: If your hamstrings are tight, bend your knees slightly to reach
the ground.
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