Vogue Australia — December 2017

(lily) #1

36 DECEMBER 2017

Editor-in-Chief [email protected]
Deputy Editor and Features Director SOPHIE TEDM A NSON
[email protected]
Creative Director at Large A LISON V ENESS
ART [email protected]
A rt Director M A NDY A LEX
Senior Designers BEC McDI V EN DIJA NA SAVOR Junior Designer A RQUETTE COOK E
FASHION [email protected]
Senior Fashion Editor K ATE DARVILL
Fashion Editor and Market Director PHILIPPA MORONEY
Junior Fashion Editor PETTA CHUA Market Editor BETHIE GIR M A I
Fashion Assistant R EBECCA BONAV I A
BOOKINGS [email protected]
Photography and Casting Director R IK K I K EENE Bookings Editor DA NICA OSL A ND
FASHION FEATURES [email protected]
Fashion Features and Content Strateg y Director Z A R A WONG
Senior Fashion Features Editor A LICE BIR R ELL
BEAUTY [email protected]
Senior Beauty Editor R EM Y R IPPON
Health Editor at Large JODY SCOTT Beauty Special Projects R ICK Y A LLEN
COPY [email protected]
Travel Editor and Copy Editor M A R K SA R IBA N
Deputy Copy Editor and Lifestyle Writer CUSHL A CH AUH A N
A rts Writer JA NE A LBERT
Editorial Coordinator R EBECCA SHALALA
DIGITAL [email protected]
Digital Editorial Director JULI A FR A NK
Associate Digital Editor LILITH H A R DIE LUPICA Assistant Digital Editors DA NIELLE GAY FR ANCESCA WALLACE
A LICE CAVA NAGH (Paris) VICTORIA COLLISON (Special Projects Editor)
Digital Assets and R ights Manager TRUDY BIER NAT Digital Assets and R ights Coordinator JESSICA R ICHMOND
National Sales and Strateg y Director, Style NICOLE WAUDBY (02) 8045 4661.
Heads of Brand Strateg y, Style MER RY N DH A MI (02) 9288 1090. JA NE SCHOFIELD (02) 8045 4658. NSW Group Sales Manager CHEY NE H A LL (02) 8045 4667.
NSW Key Account Managers K ATE COR BETT (02) 8045 4737. CATHER INE PATR ICK (02) 8045 4613. JESSICA L A MB (02) 8045 4675.
Brand Strateg y Manager TESSA DI XON (02) 8045 4744. Sponsorships & Partnerships Manager H A N NA H DAV ID-W R IGHT (02) 8045 4986.
Digital Brand Manager K R ISTINA K A R ASSOULIS (02) 9288 1743. NSW Campaign Implementation Manager K ATE DW Y ER (02) 9288 1009.
Victoria Sales Director, Style K A R EN CLEMENTS (03) 9292 3202. Victoria Head of Sales ELISE DE SA NTO (03) 9292 1621. Victoria Group Business Manager NA DINE DENISON (03) 9292 3224. NSW Account Executives, Style A NASTASI A PA PAY IORY IOU (02) 9288 1324. CA ITLIN PATER (02) 8045 4653.
Victoria Head of Direct Sales & Partnerships JO CONSTA BLE (03) 9292 3203. Victoria Campaign Implementation Manager R EBECCA RODELL (03) 9292 1951.
Queensland Commercial Director, Lifestyle ROSE W EGNER (07) 3666 6903. Victoria Account Executive SA R A H-JA NE BACON (03) 9292 3208.
Classified Advertising R EBECCA W HITE 1300 139 305. Asia: K IM K ENCHINGTON, Mediaworks Asia (852) 2882 1106.
Advertising Creative Director R ICH A R D McAULIFFE Advertising Creative Manager EVA CHOW N
Advertising Creative Producers JEN N Y H AY ES SA R A H MURY
Creative Services Senior A rt Directors A M A NDA A NDER SON CA RY N ISEM A N N
Production Manager MICHELLE O’BR IEN Advertising Production Coordinator GINA JI A NG
General Manager, Retail Sales and Circulation BR ETT W ILLIS
Subscriptions Acquisition Manager GR A NT DUR IE Subscriptions Retention Manager CRYSTAL EWINS
Digital Director JULI A N DEL A NEY Senior Product Manager CASSA NDR A A LL A R S
Product Manager TINA ISH A K Platform Manager DAV ID BER RY
Marketing Director – Lifestyle DI A NA K AY Marketing Manager MELISSA MOR PHET Brand Manager M AGDA LENA Z AJAC Event Marketing Manager BROOK E K ING
Events Manager DA NIELLE ISENBERG Marketing Executive R ACHEL CHR ISTI A N Sponsorship Manager, Style ELLE R ITSON
Chief Digital Officer NICOLE SHEFFIELD
Director of Communications SH ARYN WHITTEN
General Manager, Network Sales, NSW PAUL BL ACK BUR N
Prestige and Lifestyle Director NICK SMITH
VOGUE AUSTR A LI A magazine is published by NewsLifeMedia Pty Ltd (ACN 088 923 906). ISSN 0042-8019. NewsLifeMedia Pty Ltd is a wholly ow ned subsidiary
of News Limited (ACN 007 871 178). Copyright 2017 by NewsLifeMedia Pty Ltd. A ll rights reserved. 2 Holt Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010. Tel: (02) 9288 3000.
Postal address: Vogue Australia, NewsLifeMedia, Level 1, Locked Bag 5030, A lexandria, NSW 2015. Email: [email protected].
Melbourne office: H W T Tower, Level 5, 40 City Road, Southbank, Victoria 3006. Tel: (03) 9292 2000. Fax: (03) 9292 3299. Brisbane office: 41 Campbell Street, Bowen Hills, Queensland 4006. Tel: (07) 3666 6910. Fax: (07) 3620 2001.

Subscriptions: within Australia, 1300 656 933; overseas: (61 2) 9282 8023. Email: [email protected].
Subscriptions mail: Magsonline, Reply Paid 87050, Sydney, NSW 2001 (no stamp required). Website: w w w.vogue.com.au.
Condé Nast International JONATH A N NEW HOUSE Chairman and Chief Executive
WOLFGA NG BL AU President JA MES WOOLHOUSE Executive Vice President

Edwina McCann

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