Love Sewing — Issue 45 2017

(Nora) #1
to crotch, matching the leg at
the knee notches.
Turn one leg RS out and
the other WS out. Place one
leg inside the other RST and
align the crotch seam. Sew
together from the bottom
of fly to back waistline.
(See pics E and F.)
Fold and sew the belt^
loop together along the
long side RST. Turn it inside
out, press and cut it into five
belt loops.
With RST sew the short
ends of one set of front and
back waistbands, creating a
circle. Repeat for the other
set of waistbands, which will
become the waistband facing.

Place the belt loops onto
the waistband at the belt loop
notches and with RST sew
the upper edge of the two
waistband circles together,
trapping the belt loops
in the seam. (See
Pic G.)
the seam
allowance of
the outside
towards the
back, and the
opposite for the
inside waistband.
Press and under-
stitch the seam allowance to
the inside waistband circle.

Turn the waistband RS out
and baste the bottom edge of
the back waistband together,
creating a tunnel.
Insert the elastic into the
tunnel, and secure the elastic
in the tunnel at each of the
waistband seams.
Sew the waistband to the
trousers RST. Press the seam
down carefully.
Turn up the bottom seam
allowance of each belt loop and
top-stitch to the waistband.

Try on the trousers before
deciding on the length you
want them to be. The cuff
is optional.
Fold and sew the^
allowance to the inside and
hem the trousers.
Twist half of the allowance
to the outside (only 2cm is
visible from the inside). Press
the cuff in place and tack at
each side seam. (See pics H
and I.) You are done with your
paperboy trousers!

Say hello!

Turn to page 10 to read our
exclusive interview with
Christina of Wardrobe By
Me patterns!




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LS45 p47 trousers.indd 49 19/09/2017 16:30

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