Sew — Issue 103 — Xmas 2017

(Rick Simeone) #1

What a talented bunch! You’ve been sharing

your makes and we love what we see


sew YOU!
After Grandad passed away suddenly
in April, I made Talullah elephant from
August and the memory bear pattern
from July’s Sew using his shirts and
T-shirts to give to our grandchildren.
Sandra Heslop
My daughter Evelyn completely stole
the show recently at a Scottish wedding.
I started sewing this when I found out
I was pregnant, using New Look 6443 and
a lovely pink tartan from Minerva Crafts.
Kayleigh Moon
Each month on Facebook we ask you to help
us choose a name for our upcoming issue’s mascot
“Holly and Berry are very traditional at Christmas

  • and also feature on the material!”
    Catherine Anderson, Sew reader

Help us choose a name for next month’s toy at

Continued overleaf

My new bobbin storage, made with
just some 2.5cm-wide test tubes and
nails. Now I don’t have to detangle all
of my bobbins every time I need one!
Haley Potts

Whilst camping in France
recently, I embroidered this stitchy
design – and a few others too!
Worth the wait Sarah Mayhew


Say Hello to

Holly Berry!

Catherine has
won a set of
Aerofil sew-all
threads from

I stitched the Colette
Patterns Moneta dress with
sleeves (and pockets!) with
a world map printed fabric
from Abakhan Fabrics.
Jolanta Klatt

choose a name with

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