Sew — Issue 103 — Xmas 2017

(Rick Simeone) #1
Have you ever seen such an effortless dress? This beauty by Amanda
Walker is simply comprised of two nearly identical pieces that are
finished with an easy neckband. You don't need to shape the body as this
is done with a tie-belt. If you prefer a more narrow sleeve, find out how to
adjust the pattern in the Core Skills panel.

Use our simple diagram

to draft your own



sew a
Get started

  • Fabric, 2.2m (1.5m wide)


Cutting guide
Note: start by taking your hip
Dress: cut two 1.05m x (half of hip
plus 80cm) rectangles
Neckband: cut one 5cm x 72cm
strip on the bias
Belt: cut one 12cm x 1.4m strip
1.5cm seam allowance used unless
specified otherwise.


Cut out all pieces according
to the cutting guide. Fold one
dress piece in half lengthways,
right sides together, and transfer
the markings onto it as indicated
on the diagram, drawing the front
neckline. Repeat for the second
piece, this time drawing the back
neckline. Cut out both dress
pieces, then neaten the raw edges
of the shoulder and upper sleeve.


Lay the front and back
pieces right sides together,
matching the shoulder and
upper sleeve seams. Pin, stitch,
then press the seam allowances
open. Fold the neckband in half,
right sides together, then stitch
across the short edge. Fold the
resulting circle in half lengthways
with wrong sides together
and press.


Match the joining seam of
the neckline to the centre
back of the neckline, lining
up the raw edges and stretching
the neckband slightly. Stitch
around with a 1cm seam
allowance, then neaten all the raw
edges. Press the seam downwards
so the neckband sits flush with
the main dress.


Lay the front and back right
sides together. Match and
pin the lower sleeve and side
seams together, then stitch each
in one continuous line. Trim the
seam allowance to 7.5mm and
neaten or clip along the underarm
curve. Turn in by 3cm at both the
sleeve cuffs and base hemline,
press, then stitch.

For added interest, make the neckband
and belt in a contrast fabric

Hip ÷ 4 + 40cm

11.5cm 12cm





Hip ÷ 4 + 7.5cm

Cut two on the fold
(one back neckline,
one front)

Fold Size adjusting line

Adjust sleeve length
Adjust sleeve width


Cutting diagram


Fold the belt strip in half
lengthways, right sides
together, then snip each end
at an angle. Stitch the raw edges
with a 1cm seam, leaving a gap in
the centre. Trim the bulk from the
corners, then turn the tie right side
out through the gap. Push out the
corners, then press before slip
stitching the gap closed.
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