Sew — Issue 103 — Xmas 2017

(Rick Simeone) #1

“To make a coat extra warm

and cosy, always look out for

a high wool content in

the fabric.”

by Closet Case, and I’m so pleased it will see me
through this winter as well. If you’d like your coat to
be extra warm and cosy, the key is to look at the wool
content of your fabric. Even if a material feels thinner
than others, it will still be really warm if it has a high
wool content. I like to aim for 70-80% wool myself,
or 100% if I can.
Of course, a higher natural fibre content is
likely to be more expensive but I honestly think
it’s worth the investment. If you fall in love with
a fabric that doesn’t have that much wool in it, you
could consider adding a layer of interlining for extra
warmth. This layer of insulating fabric goes between
your main outer fabric and lining one. I find it’s
easiest if you tack it to your main fabric pieces so
they become one, then continue to construct your
coat. Whatever you decide to make this month,
I hope you enjoy some quality sewing time!


ere at Guthrie & Ghani HQ
we’re always thinking
several months ahead – so
despite Christmas still being
a little while away, we’ve been

feeling merry here for a while. In the run-up to the

festive period, we always have lots of different

workshops, from needle-felting and making

ceramic decorations to free motion embroidery

and calligraphy. Of course, the workshop calendar

wouldn’t be complete without some fabric-related

projects too! This year, as well as the ever-popular

advent calendar class, we also have a winter garland

workshop, and one to make a children’s Christmas

storybook that uses a really lovely panel of fabric,

printed with pages of a story.

I always have the good intentions of getting

started early on my Christmas present

making list. In reality though, running the

business – and life in general – usually gets in the

way and I end up doing things last minute. My aim

this year is to be more realistic and choose a few

handmade gifts that I know I’ll be able to fit in,

especially if I get started early. I became an auntie

to my first nephew this year and, as I made his big

sister a quilt for her first Christmas, I plan on doing

the same for him too.

We recently had some lovely new metal teeth

zips come into the shop with different coloured

tapes including a gorgeous rose gold one! They will

be great for making nice make up bags or handbag

pouches for gifts. I reckon if I make quite a few at

the same time and set up a mini production line,

I’ll be able to get through them quicker.

I can’t wait to dress my daughter Sophia up

in some really cute festive clothes either. We

have had this gorgeous lightweight sweatshirting

fabric come into the shop, which has the cutest

polar bears in a wintery scene. I think it would look

great as a cosy romper suit or even just as a simple

long-sleeved top. I might have to make both for her

  • luckily we have three different colours! One of my

go to-pattern companies for cute baby clothes is

Brindille & Twigg, where there is lots of choice.

If you are planning on sewing for yourself

at all, it’s worth investing in a new winter coat.

I made a lovely one last year using the Clare pattern

Lauren’s TOP TIPS

for getting organised

Be realistic about what you can make in
the time you have. This will help keep
you motivated!

Book sewing time into your diary or
better still, arrange to do it with a friend!
I find that always makes it easier to stick
to the plan when there's lots to make.

To keep your sewing area tidy,
give each item a specific place and
always be sure to put it back.

Lauren Guthrie


What Lauren’s






“A skirt I recently made! For me,
neat topstitching is one of the most
satisfying things to sew.”

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